Project Administration Help Articles

4 minutes
7 months ago

Project Administration

Topics are divided into the following categories. Select a category, then click on a topic to view the topic.

Construction Phase Document Packages Administrative Tasks

Add a Cover Sheet to a Construction Phase Document Package

Add Custom Document Legal Text

Add/Edit Custom Construction Phase Document Types

Change the Category for an Issued construction Phase Document Package

Configure Construction Phase Document Package Categories

Configure Construction Phase Document Package Trades/Disciplines

Configure the Construction Phase Document Package Module

Create Custom Status Types for Construction Phase Document Packages

Delete a Construction Phase Document Package

Modify Access Permissions for Construction Document Types

Notify Users of Issued Construction Phase Document Packages

Custom Logos Administrative Tasks

Add a Project Logo

Display Project Logos on Printable Pages

Link a Logo to a Company Automatically

Design/Bid Packages Administrative Tasks

Add/Edit Custom Design/Bid Package Types

Auto-Notify Users of Issued Design/Bid Packages

Change the Category for an Issued Design/Bid Package

Configure Design/Bid Package Categories

Configure the Design/Bid Package Module

Field Reports Administrative Tasks

Auto-notify Users of Issued Field Reports

Configure Field Report Categories

Configure Field Report Trades/Disciplines

Set Permissions for Issuing Field Reports

General Administrative Tasks

Set Project Time Zone

Meeting Minutes Administrative Tasks

Configure Meeting Minutes Access

Create Meeting Types

Message Forums Administrative Tasks

Create Message Categories

Delete a Message Category

Project Setup/Closeout

Add a Project Logo


Best Practices for Starting a New Project

Import Existing Data

Project Budget Information

Project Disclaimer/CAD Release Form

Project Modules

Project Transparency

Sample Cover Sheet Documents

Set Project Time Zone

Project Team Administrative Tasks

Add a User

Batch Import Users to the Project Team

Can there be Multiple Project Administrators?

Copy Users to Other Projects

Edit User Role Display Names

Remove a User from a Project

Misspelled Email Address

Quality Control Administrative Tasks

Configure the Quality Control Module

RFIs Administrative Tasks

Add a Prefix to an RFI

Add Existing RFIs

Add RFI Types

Adjust Frequency of Automated Emails for Reviewer RFI Answers

Auto-Forward RFIs to Consultants, Engineers, and Owner Reviewers

Auto-Notify Users of New/Returned RFIs

Change the Category for a Closed RFI

Configure RFI Categories

Configure RFI Trades/Disciplines

Configure the Default Due Date for RFIs

Configure the RFIs Module

Hide RFI Answers

Reopen an RFI

Set Business Days vs. Calendar Days

Upload an RFI Cover Sheet

Shared Folders Administrative Tasks

Add a Shared Folder

Delete a Shared Folder

Edit a Shared Folder

Set Access Permissions for Shared Folders

Sheet/Specification Indexes Administrative Tasks

Add a Discipline or Category Type to an Index

Add Drawing/Spec to Index

Configure the Sheet/Specification Index

Delete a Sheet or Specification Record

Link Current PDF to Existing Package

Spatial Index Administrative Tasks

Add a Space to the Spatial Index

Configure the Spatial Index Module

Create a Spatial Index from the Template

Delete a Space from the Spatial Index

Import a Spatial Index

Purge an Existing Spatial Index

Submittal Register Administrative Tasks

Add a Submittal Register Item

Assign Responsible Subcontractor to Register Item

Delete a Submittal Register Item

Edit a Submittal Register Item

Link Existing Submittals to Register

Submittals Administrative Tasks

Add Existing Submittals

Adjust Frequency of Automated Emails for Reviewer Submittal Reviews

Auto-Forward Submittal to Consultants, Engineers, and Owner Reviewers

Auto-Notify Users of New/Returned Submittals

Block Construction Team from Editing Due Dates

Change the Category for a Closed Submittal

Configure the Submittals Module

Configure Submittal Categories

Configure Submittal Trades/Disciplines

Configure the Default Due Date for Submittals

Configure Weekly Email Notification to Consultants and Owner Reviewers

Hide Submittal Review Comments

Insert a Submittal Cover Sheet/Stamp Sheet

Reopen a Submittal

Set Business Days vs. Calendar Days

Submittal Numbering Options

Upload a Submittal Cover Sheet