RFIs Module Help Articles

3 minutes
7 months ago

RFIs Module

Topics are divided into the following categories. Select a category, then click on a topic to view the topic.

All Users

Create a Custom Log

Cross Reference Related Items to an RFI

Delete an RFI

Delete Attachments from RFIs

Notify Users of Changes in the Midst of a Review

Print an RFI

Print and View an RFI Log

Search RFIs by Keyword

Send an RFI to Someone Off the System


Upload File Attachments to RFIs

View RFI Statistics and Graphs

Construction Team

Add an RFI as a Subcontractor

Create a Revised RFI

Notify Multiple Contractors of an Incoming RFI


Add an RFI as a Contractor

Allow Subcontractors to View RFIs

Close an RFI as a Contractor

Notify Multiple Architects of an RFI as a Contractor

Notify Multiple Contractors of a Draft RFI as a Contractor

Design Team

Return an RFI


Answer an RFI as a Design Team Leader (Architect) User

Can an Architect or Design Team Leader Submit an RFI to the Contractor?

Delete an Attachment from a Returned RFI

Forward an RFI to a Consultant/Secondary Reviewer Twice

Forward an RFI to Consultants, Engineers and Owner Reviewers

Log an RFI on Behalf of My Contractor

Log an RFI Review on Behalf of a Reviewer

Notify another Architect or Project Admin (Design) that a Submittal or RFI is Ready for Review

Receive Automated Emails from Consultants, Engineers, and Owner Reviewers when RFI Answer is Completed


Answer an RFI as a Consultant/Reviewer

Edit RFI Response/Attachment from Consultant

How do Consultants Send Notifications when RFI Answer is Complete?

Notify Multiple Design Team Members of an RFI Review

Project Administrators

You must be a Project Administrator to perform the following tasks:

Add a Prefix to an RFI

Add Existing RFIs

Add RFI Types

Adjust Frequency of Automated Emails for Reviewer RFI Answers

Auto-Forward RFIs to Consultants, Engineers, and Owner Reviewers

Auto-Notify Users of Closed RFIs Based on Trade

Auto-Notify Users of New/Returned RFIs

Bulk download RFIs

Change the Category for a Closed RFI

Configure RFI Categories

Configure RFI Trades/Disciplines

Configure the Default Due Date for RFIs

Configure the RFIs Module

Hide RFI Answers

Reopen an RFI

Set Business Days vs. Calendar Days

Upload an RFI Cover Sheet

More Information

Acceptable File Types and Sizes for Upload as Attachments

Answered vs. Returned RFIs

Log Terminology

Overdue Items

Owner vs. Owner Rep User Roles for RFIs

RFI Module page

RFI Types

States of an RFI

Status Icons for RFIs and Submittals

Status of RFI