Construction Phase Documents Help Articles

2 minutes
7 months ago

Construction Phase Document Packages Module

Topics are divided into the following categories. Select a category, then click on a topic to view the topic.

All Users

Add a Comment to an Item’s Discussion Thread

Add a Construction Phase Document Package

Create a Revision Package

Cross Reference Related Items to a Package

Delete Attachments from Construction Phase Document Packages

Download All Attachments as a ZIP File

Edit Draft Construction Phase Document Packages

Manage the Change Order Process

Print a Construction Phase Document Package

Print and View Construction Phase Document Package Logs

Require a Review of Construction Phase Document Packages

Search Construction Phase Document Packages by Keyword

Set the Construction Phase Document Package Review Status

Track Costs and Schedule Changes

Update Construction Phase Package Status

Upload and Manage Pay Applications

Upload File Attachments to Construction Phase Document Packages

Construction Team


Create a COR or PCO Document Package

Design Team

Owners Viewing Design Team Drafts


Upload the Confirmation/Consolidation Drawing Set

Project Administrators

You must be a Project Administrator to perform the following tasks:

Add a Cover Sheet to a Construction Phase Document Package

Add Custom Document Legal Text

Add/Edit Custom Construction Phase Document Types

Change the Category for an Issued construction Phase Document Package

Configure Construction Phase Document Package Categories

Configure Construction Phase Document Package Trades/Disciplines

Configure the Construction Phase Document Package Module

Create Custom Status Types for Construction Phase Document Packages

Delete a Construction Phase Document Package

Modify Access Permissions for Document Types

Notify Users of Issued Construction Phase Document Packages

Reopen a Construction Phase Document Package

More Information

Acceptable File Types and Sizes for Upload as Attachments

Construction Phase Documents Module page

Current Set of Drawings and Specs

Draft Document Packages for Design, Construction, and Owner’s Team

Draft vs. Issued Construction Phase Document Packages