Upload Confirmation/Consolidation Drawing Set

1 minute
1 year ago

Upload Confirmation/Consolidation Drawing Set

Periodically, architects issue confirmation or consolidation sets that provide an update with all RFIs, addendums, COs, etc. to the construction phase documents. There are a few options for how to issue the new set:

Newforma ConstructEx recommends that the set be issued under the Construction Phase Documents module as an ASI. Since the set is not a change to the contract an ASI is most appropriate. Some projects create a new document type such as “Consolidated” and issue the set using that document type. The advantage to this approach is that you can cross reference the drawing package with your Sheet Index.

A second option is to create a read-only folder under the Shared Folders module. The advantage to this approach is ease of use. Shared folders allow for quick upload and download of files. The disadvantage is that you cannot cross reference files within shared folders to other items.

It is not recommended to manually replace the initial issued document within the Sheet Index. This approach removes the history of the project. The intent of the initial issued drawing is to show the bid drawing (or similar) and provide the complete history below.