Language Limitations

1 minute
7 months ago

Language Limitations

ConstructEx offers users the option to view the interface in Spanish as part of their Profile settings.

There are a few areas of the product where certain terms have not been translated. These are listed below.


RFIs: When a log is selected, the title of the selected log is not translated at the top of the log page. The title is also not translated when using the Print Simple Log option.

Markup buttons: The Add Markups and View Markups buttons are not translated.

User Role Display Names: User role display names are not translated. These values can be modified by an Admin as part of the Project Team setup. The values entered by the Admin are displayed.

Item History actions: Actions included in an item’s History are not translated for the Field Reports and Quality Control modules.

Email Notification History: Actions in the Email Notification History are not translated.

Quality Control: Status values are not translated.

Submittals: The standard log titles are not translated. These values can be edited for project-wide logs by an Admin.

References: the Link button is not translated.