Submittal Log Terminology

3 minutes
9 months ago

Submittal Log Terminology

A new project includes the following submittal logs by default.

For Subcontractors

My Drafts are submittals owned by the user not yet issued to the contractor.

My Open are submittals owned by the user that are in review.

My Closed are submittals owned by the user that have been answered.

All Drafts are all draft submittals not yet issued to the design team.

All Open are all submittals on the project in review.

All Closed are all submittals on the project that have been answered.

All+Expected are all expected and received submittals.

All Overdue Expected Submittals are all items where the Submittal Register Date Expected is past due and no drafts or no submittals exist.

Overdue + Next 7 Days are all items in an Open status where the Requested Due Date from Contractor is overdue or due in the next 7 days. The Pending Review By column shows who is currently responsible for the submittal.

For Contractors, Construction Managers, or Project Administrators (Contractor)

My Drafts are submittals owned by the user not yet issued to the design team.

My Open are submittals owned by the user that are in review by the design team.

My Returned are all submittals owned by the user that have been answered by the design team but not yet returned to subcontractors.

My Closed are all submittals owned by the user that have been closed and are viewable by subcontractors.

All Drafts are all draft submittals not yet issued to the design team.

All Open are all submittals on the project in review by the design team.

All Returned are all submittals on the project that have been answered by the design team but not yet returned to subcontractors.

All Closed are all submittals on the project that have been closed and are viewable by subcontractors.

All+Expected are all expected and received submittals.

All Overdue Expected Submittals are all items where the Submittal Register Date Expected is past due and no drafts or no submittals exist.

Overdue + Next 7 Days are all items in an Open status where the Requested Due Date from Contractor is overdue or due in the next 7 days. The Pending Review By column shows who is currently responsible for the submittal.

For Architects or Project Administrators (Design)

To Review are all items in an Open status where the user is the Author or Reviewer, that the user has not edited and saved.

All Open are all submittals on the project in review by the design team.

All Returned are all submittals on the project that have been answered by the design team.

All+Expected are all expected and received submittals.

All Overdue Expected Submittals are all items where the Submittal Register Date Expected is past due and no drafts or no submittals exist.

Overdue + Next 7 Days are all items in an Open status where the Requested Due Date from Contractor is overdue or due in the next 7 days. The Pending Review By column shows who is currently responsible for the submittal.

The design team cannot see draft submittals.

For All Secondary Reviewers, Consultants, Engineers, and Owner Reviewers

My Open are submittals the user has been invited to review but has not answered.

My Reviewed are submittals the user has been invited to review and has answered.

All Open are all submittals on the project in review by the design team.

All Returned are all submittals on the project that have been answered by the design team.

All+Expected are all expected and received submittals.