Project Transparency

2 minutes
7 months ago

Project Transparency

The system is designed to be inherently transparent. There are a few areas, however, where it may not be appropriate to share certain information. The following are areas of the software where users can choose to restrict sharing privileges:

RFIs module

In the Module Configuration settings, the Allow Project Admin (Design) and Architect to Hide Reviewer Comments and Attachments setting can be set to On. This allows the design team to hide answers and attachments.

When this option is selected, the system cites Answer Hidden from Construction Team and Owner by (username) and/or Attachment Hidden by (username) if items are hidden.

Submittals module

In the Module Configuration settings, the Allow Project Admin (Design) and Architect to Hide Reviewer Comments and Attachments setting can be set to On. This allows the design team to hide answers and attachments.

When this option is selected, the system cites Answer Hidden from Construction Team and Owner by (username) and/or Attachment Hidden by (username) if items are hidden.

Construction Phase Documents

In the Module Configuration settings, construction phase document permissions can be restricted to the appropriate users.

Shared Folders

When creating a shared folder, administrative users have the ability to restrict permissions for the folder.

Message Forums

Message forums are only available to those users included in the forum.


In addition, administrative users have the ability to restrict access to any module for standard users on the Project Team page.

Permission restrictions are only relevant while the project is active. Once the project is archived, those who have access to the archive have access to all project data.