Newforma ConstructEx Viewer Overview
Newforma ConstructEx Viewer Overview
The Newforma ConstructEx Viewer enables you to mark up PDF, JPG and TIF files attached to project items such as submittals and RFIs. The viewer gives you easy to use tools such as customizable markup pens, markup pens, revision clouds, leaders, text, and other tools.
Use the Newforma ConstructEx Viewer to do the following:
Mark up PDFs, JPGs and TIFs attached to project items.
Create new markups or edit existing markups.
Pan and zoom files.
Find text in a drawing.
Insert an image file or stamp as part of the markup.
Getting Started
Launch the Newforma ConstructEx Viewer by selecting Add Markups for a PDF, JPG or TIF attached to a project item.
The Newforma ConstructEx Viewer has a very graphical and intuitive design to help you mark up your documents easily.
Use the tools in the toolbar to mark up documents and change the styles of the objects you place on the document. Each button has a tool tip that is available when you place the cursor over the button to help you find the tool you need.
Save Markup
Select to save the markup. A message appears when the markup is saved.
Export PDF
Select to export the current markup to a PDF.
Depending on your browser, you may be prompted to open or save the document before the export completes.
Select to undo the previous markup action. Select
to restore the markup action.
Edit / Select
Select to select any object placed on the document as part of the markup.
Select to draw a line on the document. Hold the Shift key down to draw horizontal and vertical lines. Set the color and line weight using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below.
Select to draw an arrow on the document. Hold the Shift key down to draw horizontal and vertical arrows. Set the color, line weight and leader style using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below.
Select to draw any shape on the document. Click and drag the cursor in any direction. Set the color and line weight using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below.
Scratch Out
Select to draw a scratch out line in red.
Select to highlight an area on the document in yellow.
The highlight weight and color cannot be changed.
Select to draw a cloud shape on the document. Set the color, line weight and fill using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below.
Select to draw a rectangle on the document. Set the color, line weight and fill using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below.
Select to draw an ellipse on the document. Hold the Shift key down to draw a circle. Set the color, line weight and fill using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below.
Select to draw a polygon on the document. Set the color, line weight and fill using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below.
Select to add a text box to the document. When you click and drag to create the text box, the Text Markup dialog box appears, enabling you to enter and format your text.
Select to add callouts and leaders to the document. Click on the item you want the arrow to point to, then drag to the location you want to place the callout. Enter the callout text and format it, then click outside of the callout to add it to the drawing. Set the color, line weight and fill using the Pens and Tool Style, shown below. Click and drag the yellow diamond to change the location of the bend in the leader line.
Right click on the callout and select Add Leader from the popup menu to create additional leaders.
Insert Image
Select to add an image to the document. JPG, PNG, GIF and TIF files can be added as images. You can also use this option to add a stamp to the document.
Select to choose a new pen color and weight from a standard drop-down list.
Tool Style
Select to open the Tool Style dialog box and edit pen, line, fill and text properties for markup objects.
Select Text
Select to select text on the document. Copy the text to the Windows clipboard using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.
Select to move the document around the viewing area. Pan is automatically selected after you zoom in on an area.
Zoom Rectangle
Select to select a rectangular area to zoom in on.
Zoom to Full Page
Select to fit the entire document in the viewing area.
Rotate 90 Degrees Counter Clockwise
Select to rotate the document 90 degrees counter clockwise.
Rotate 90 Degrees Clockwise
Select to rotate the document 90 degrees clockwise.
Open Search Panel
Select to open the search bar. Enter the text you want to find in the document and click Search.
Thumbnails Panel
The thumbnails panel, located on the left side of the viewer, enables you to view or hide thumbnail images of all pages in a multipage document.
Select to expand and collapse the panel.
A cloud icon next to a page’s thumbnail indicates that the page includes markups, as shown below. Selecting the cloud jumps to that page and highlights all the markups on that page, making them easily visible.