Upload File Attachments to Construction Phase Document Packages

2 minutes
10 months ago

Upload File Attachments to Construction Phase Document Packages

Perform the following steps to attach files to a construction phase document package.

To attach files to a construction phase document package

On the Add a New Package page, scroll down to the Attachments section, shown here:

Drag and drop the files you want to attach to the section, or select Browse to select the files.

In Chrome, Browse is replaced by Choose File.

Users with older browsers that do not support drag and drop will be prompted to browse for files.

In the Attachments and Sheet Linking popup, link the files to the Sheet or Specification Index as needed. Click Close when finished. When the index entry is contained in the file name, the system typically auto-matches the file with the correct index entry.

You can also access the Attachments and Sheet Linking popup by clicking Manage Attachments in the Attachments section.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save Draft. When you view the package again, the attached files now appear in the Existing Attachments section.

The author of the attachment is displayed to the right of the attachment.

Additional Information

A maximum of 1000 attachments can be uploaded to a construction phase document package.

We recommend that files be at 150 dpi – higher resolutions are unnecessary.

View Delete Attachments from Construction Phase Document Packages for information on deleting attachments.

View Edit Draft Construction Phase Document Packages for information on keeping attachment links up to date.

Any user may upload an attachment as long as the user type has the permission to do so.

Certain software features, such as packages, do not allow attachments to items after they have been returned. You must reopen the package before making any changes. View Reopen a Construction Phase Document Package for more information.