Upload a Submittal Cover Sheet

2 minutes
9 months ago

Upload a Submittal Cover Sheet

Perform the following steps to upload a submittal cover sheet.

You must be a Project Administrator to perform this task.

Important Considerations

If a project has existing submittals and the cover sheet is set to update upon return, we recommend closing all submittals prior to uploading the new cover sheet. If a user marked up a cover sheet and it is swapped out upon return, it may change the intent of their notations.

If a project has existing submittals, the cover sheet is set to update upon return, and has a single page cover sheet, we recommended that you do not replace the single page cover sheet with a multipage cover sheet. Again, we recommend closing all submittals prior to uploading the new cover sheet. If cover sheets are marked up, the markups will be shifted and will appear on incorrect pages.

Fields on the cover sheet can be mapped to pull data from the database. If you would like us to create these fields, please contact support via the Customer Community.

If a cover sheet is removed from the system and reuploaded, the fields are no longer mapped and will not update.

Occasionally, cover sheets are not added to PDFs. Please see Cover/Stamp Sheet is not Adding to PDF for more information.

For information on creating a cover sheet, please see the Creating Cover Sheets video.

To upload a submittal cover sheet

Select Administration > Module Configuration from the right navigation panel of the Submittals module.

Scroll down to the Submittal Cover Sheet section and click Delete the Existing Cover Sheet.

You must delete the existing cover sheet before uploading a new one.

Click Browse to navigate to and select the cover sheet file to upload.

In Chrome, Browse is replaced by Choose File.

Select the Merge Cover Sheet With PDFs Uploaded by Construction Team check box to merge the cover sheet with PDF attachments.

Select the Update Cover Sheet When the Design Team Returns Submittal to the Construction Team check box if you are using a cover sheet with architectural review.

Select Save Settings at the bottom of the Submittal Cover Sheet section to save your changes.

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