Link a Submittal to the Register
Link a Submittal to the Register
Use one of the following methods to link a submittal to the Submittal Register.
To link a submittal to the register from the Add a Submittal page
On the Add a Submittal page, scroll down to the Submittal Register section and click the Schedule Item link.
Select the check box for the schedule item you want to link the submittal to in the Link Submittal to Schedule Item popup. Scroll to the bottom of the popup window and select Save and Close.
To link a submittal to the register from the Submittal Register
Select one of the Submittal Register logs from the Submittal Register section in the right navigation panel of the Submittals module.
Click the icon to view the spec section you want to link the submittal to.
On the View Submittal Register Item page, click the Add Submittal link in the Linked Submittals column for the item you plan to submit.
The Add a New Submittal page appears. Enter the information for the submittal as needed and send the submittal. The submittal is automatically linked to the submittal register item.
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