Delete an RFI

1 minute
10 months ago

Delete an RFI

Perform the following steps to delete an RFI.

Only open RFIs can be deleted. To delete returned RFI it must first be reopened.

Who Can Delete an RFI?

The contractor or the authoring subcontractor may delete an RFI that is in draft mode. Once an RFI becomes official and is sent to the design team it can no longer be deleted by the construction team.

When an RFI is open and in the design team’s court only the Project Administrator on the design team can delete it.

Once an RFI is returned, it cannot be deleted without first reopening the RFI. After the RFI is reopened the design team can delete it.

A design consultant cannot delete an RFI at any time.

To delete an RFI

Select the icon next to the RFI you want to delete in the RFIs module or select Delete at the bottom of the View RFI page.

The system confirms that the RFI should be deleted prior to removing it.

Important: Once an RFI is deleted it cannot be restored.

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