Create a Submittal Register from the Template

5 minutes
10 months ago

Create a Submittal Register from the Template

Perform the following steps to import a submittal register using the Newforma ConstructEx Excel template.

Best practice is to import the submittal register before uploading any submittals to the project.

We recommend following the three help articles below in order to ensure a successful import:

Step 1: Create a Submittal Register from the Template

Step 2: Configure the Submittal Module and Prepare the Template for Import

Step 3: Import the Submittal Register


To create a submittal register from the template

To watch a short video of the creation process, click here.

Use of the submittal register requires the Submittal Numbering Method be set to either Sequential or Sequential per Spec Section. Manual numbering is not supported with use of the submittal register.

Click the following link to download the submittal register import template: Newforma_ConstructEx_Submittal_Register_template.xlsx. Complete all the steps listed below to properly fill in the template.

Erase the sample data, beginning with Row 2, before entering project information as described.

Column A – The Spec Section is a required field

Best practice is to limit spec section numbers to 5 or 6 characters.

In order for the template to import correctly, the system uses a maximum of 20 characters for the spec section portion of the overall submittal number.

If more than 20 digits are used, the submittal numbers may be incorrect in the logs.

If more than 6 digits are used, you must select the "15 to 20 alphanumeric" numbering template option in the module configuration Submittal Numbering Configuration section.

Note: If your spec section numbers include leading zeros, be sure to set the cell format in Excel to one that retains leading zeros (such as text). This will ensure that the leading zeros are retained during Step 2: Template preparation.

Column B – The Item Title is a required field

The Item Title is used as the title for the spec section or the actual submittal.

Column C – Trade

Inserting a trade is highly recommended but not required.

Some reasons to use trades include:

Filter submittals based on trades.

Project Administrators can configure the software to automatically forward submittals to the appropriate secondary reviewer based on the trades they are linked to.

See Auto-Forward Submittals to Consultants, Engineers, and Owner Reviewers for additional information on this feature.

When the trade information is listed in the template, the trade automatically populates when a NEW submittal is added.

If you choose to use trades, you can separate multiple trades for a single specification section with a pipe character "|". The pipe character is typically located above the Enter key.

Column D – Category

Inserting a category does not always apply.

Some reasons to use categories include:

Project may be separated into sub projects (i.e., phases or buildings).

Filter submittals based on category.

If the category information is listed in the template, the category automatically populates when a NEW submittal is added.

If you choose to use categories, separate multiple categories for a single specification section with a pipe character "|". The pipe character is typically located above the Enter key.

Column E – Responsible Contractor

Inserting a responsible contractor does not always apply.

Use the responsible contractor column to enter the email address of the subcontractor responsible for the spec section.

The subcontractor will automatically be selected in the submittal Subcontractor/Manufacturer field.

Column F – Date Expected

Inserting Date Expected is recommended but not required.

If an item on the submittal register is tagged with a Responsible Contractor and a Date Expected, late notices are sent to the contractor if the item is open beyond its expected date.

The date must be entered using the same format selected in your user profile.

Column G – Required on Job Site

Inserting a required on job site date is not  always required.

The date must be entered using the same format selected in your user profile.

Columns H-X – Submittal Types

Add, edit, or delete the required submittal types as needed for your project.

Place an uppercase "Y" in each cell to designate the required submittal types for each spec section.

If no submittal type is selected, once imported, those specification sections show as Complete because no submittal types were chosen for that item.

The Other column can be used for a required submittal type if it is only being used for that one item. This eliminates the need to insert a new column in the template.

If an uppercase "Y" is placed in the Other column, you must enter the name of the type in the Other Type Label column.

The Other and Other Type Label columns are required for import, even if they are not used.

These two columns must be the last two columns listed in the template. If they are deleted or moved, the template will not import.

In order for the template to import, the steps below must be followed:

Columns A – G must stay in their original order even if they are not being used.

The Other and Other Type Label columns must remain in place, even if they are not being used.

Do not hide columns or change column header names.

Do not use formulas to populate project information.

If highlighting or additional grid lines are used to help track information entry, make sure to remove them before attempting import.

Once the template is complete, save the file as an Excel file.

Once your template is complete, you are ready to move on to Step 2: Configure the Submittal Module and Prepare the Template for Import. Click here to continue.


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