Edit a Submittal

2 minutes
9 months ago

Edit a Submittal

Perform the following steps to edit a submittal.

To edit a submittal

Select the icon next to the submittal in the Submittals module, or click Edit on the View Submittal page.

Make your changes on the Edit Submittal page as needed and click Save.

For more information on the available options, please see Add a Submittal.

Who Can Edit a Submittal?

Contractor and subcontractor users can edit draft submittals. A draft submittal is one that has not been sent to the design team.

Once a submittal is open (sent to the design team) it cannot be edited by the construction team. Only the architect or a design team leader can edit an open submittal.

A returned submittal cannot be edited. It must first be reopened by a project administrator.

When a submittal is reopened, it returns to the open state and the editing functionality is restored. Review comments and attachments again become hidden from the construction team. Existing markups cannot be edited or deleted, although new ones can be created. The software adds a time stamp when the submittal is reopened. When the submittal is returned the second time, the contractor that authored the submittal automatically receives an email notification.

How Can Consultants Edit Their Response?

A consultant role user may edit their response as long as the submittal is open and has not been returned to the contractor.

Once a submittal is returned to the contractor, consultants can no longer edit their responses.

If a consultant needs to edit their submittal response after the submittal is returned to the contractor, the submittal must be reopened by a contractor or design team leader.