Delete Attachments from Construction Phase Document Packages

1 minute
10 months ago

Delete Attachments from Construction Phase Document Packages

Perform the following steps to delete attachments from a construction phase document package.

You must be the author of the attachment to delete it.

Once a package is issued, the attachments cannot be deleted unless the package is reopened. Click here for information on reopening packages.

To delete attachments from a construction phase document package

Select the icon next to the package in the Construction Phase Documents module.

Scroll down to the Attachments section of the Edit Package page and click Manage Attachments.

In the Attachments and Sheet Linking dialog box, select the trash can icon next to the attachment you want to delete, then click Close.

The attachment is not deleted until you save the document.

Save the package.

Attachments cannot be deleted from the View Document page.

Important: Once an attachment is deleted it cannot be recovered.