Create a Sheet or Specification Index from the Template

3 minutes
1 year ago

Create a Sheet Index or Specification Index from the Template

Perform the following steps to create a sheet index or specification index for import into ConstructEx using the Excel template.

To create a sheet or specification  index from the template

Click one of the following links to download the appropriate import template:

 Sheet index import template: Newforma ConstructEx Sheet Index Template – New uploader template.xlsx

Specification index import template: Newforma ConstructEx Spec Index Template – New uploader template.xlsx

Open the template and save as “Your Project Name_sheet_index_template” or “Your Project Name_spec_index_template”.

In order for the template to import, the steps below must be followed:

The columns must stay in their original order, even if they are not being used.

Do not hide columns or change column header names.

Do not use formulas to populate project information.

If highlighting or additional grid lines are used to help track information entry, make sure to remove them before attempting import.

Erase the sample data, beginning with Row 3, before entering your project information as described.

Best practice is to fill in the template as completely as possible. It is easier to import information from the template than to manually add information to each listing later.

Column A – Category

Inserting a category does not always apply. One reason to use categories is if your project is separated into sub-projects (i.e., phases or buildings).

Category names must be 200 characters or less.

The Category field can include multiple values for a single item.

Separate multiple categories with a vertical pipe character “|”. The pipe character is typically located above the Enter key.

Do not use a comma to separate multiple categories.

Column B – Discipline

Discipline names must be 200 characters or less.

Recommended best practice is to adjust the Discipline column to include numeric prefixes, if desired (i.e., 01 General, 02 Civil, 03 Architectural, etc.). Doing so helps keep the set in order.

The Discipline field can include multiple values for a single item.

Separate multiple disciplines with a vertical pipe (i.e., Electrical|Standard).

Do not use a comma to separate multiple disciplines.

Column C – The Sheet Number/Spec Number is a required field.

Sheet Number/Spec Number must be 15 characters or less.

Recommended best practice is to include a “zero” placeholder in the Sheet Number (i.e., 01, 02, 03, etc.) Doing so helps keep the sheets in order and aids in the linking process.

Column D – The Sheet Title/Spec Title is a required field.

Sheet Title/Spec Title names must be 200 characters or less.

Column E – Initial Issue Date

The Initial Issue Date format must match the date format set in your users’ preferences (i.e., MMDDYYYY)

Once the template is filled out, save your file as an Excel file.

Save the file again, this time as a Text (Tab Delimited) (*.txt) file.

Select Yes to keep the workbook in the text format.

Close the .txt file and, when prompted, select Don’t Save.

Proceed to Import a Sheet Index or Import a Specification Index to import your index.

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