Configure the Submittals Module

1 minute
1 year ago

Configure the Submittals Module

Submittals module configuration video:

Configuring the Submittals Module

Configuration Tasks

There are several items to consider when configuring the Submittals module. Depending on how you plan to use submittals, not all of the items will be required in your configuration. Click the links below to view details on performing the task.

Configure Submittal Categories. Use categories for subsections of the project that need to be tracked.

Configure Submittal Trades/Disciplines. Use trades/disciplines to route information to the right reviewers. You can auto-forward submittals to specific users based on the trades. You can also auto-notify users when a submittal is closed based on the assigned trade.

Add Submittal Types. Add and edit submittal types.

Upload a Submittal Cover Sheet. Upload a cover sheet to be automatically included with submittals.

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