Configure the Submittal Module and Prepare the Template for Import

4 minutes
10 months ago

Configure the Submittal Module and Prepare the Template for Import

Perform the following steps to import a submittal register using the Newforma ConstructEx Excel template.

Best practice is to import the submittal register before uploading any submittals to the project.

We recommend following the three help articles below in order to ensure a successful import:

Step 1: Create a Submittal Register from the Template

Step 2: Configure the Submittal Module and Prepare the Template for Import

Step 3: Import the Submittal Register

To configure the Submittal module and prepare the template for import

Now that the submittal register template is populated correctly as seen in Step 1, the next step is to configure the Submittal Module to prepare for import.

To watch a short video of the configuration and preparation process, click here.

You must be a Project Administrator to access the module configuration.

From the Submittals module, select Administration>Module Configuration.

Scroll down to the Submittal Numbering Configuration section.

If your spec sections include more than 6 digits, select 15 to 20 alphanumeric from the Numbering Template dropdown list.

Scroll down to the Submittal Type section.

The Submittal Types listed in the template and in module configuration must match exactly.

This includes the names of the Types and the order in which they are listed.

If you need to reorder the Submittal Types in module configuration to match the order in the template, use the cross hairs to the left of  the type to drag and drop it to the correct location in the sequence.

Click Save Settings below the Submittal Type section after reordering each type.

Add any Submittal Types listed in the template that are not in the module.

Delete any Submittal Types from module configuration that are not listed in the template.

Click the trash can icon to the right of the type to delete it.

Click Save Settings below the Submittal Type section after making a change.

Scroll down the Category and Trades/Disciplines sections.

The Categories and Trades/Disciplines listed in the template and in module configuration must match exactly.

For these items, the order in which they are listed does not matter.

Add and/or delete the Categories and Trades/Disciplines as needed to match the submittal register template.

Click Save Settings below each section after making a change.


Now that the submittal module is configured correctly, the next step is to prepare the template for import.

Open your submittal register template.

Make sure all the spec section numbers contain the same number of digits.

Separate multiple trades and/or categories with a pipe character "|".

The format of any dates entered in the Date Expected column must match the Date Format selected in your My Profile page (i.e., MMDDYYYY).

To verify the date format, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the ConstructEx interface. Select My Profile from the dropdown list.

Remove any formatting, highlighting or formulas from the template.

Unhide any hidden rows and/or columns.

Delete any blank rows within the body of the template. If imported, they will create blank register items.

Delete any additional worksheets in the template.

Note the number of rows containing information in the Excel file.


Once the template is complete:

Save the template as an Excel file.

Save the file again as a Text(Tab Delimited) (*.txt) file.

Select Yes to keep the workbook in the text format.

Close the .txt file and, when prompted, select Don’t Save.


Once your template is saved as a .txt file and your Submittals module is configured, you are ready to move on to Step 3: Import the Submittal Register into Your Project. Click here to continue.


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