Configure the Quality Control Module

1 minute
9 months ago

Configure the Quality Control Module

Perform the following steps to configure the Quality Control module.

You must be a Project Administrator to perform this task.

To configure the Quality Control module

Select Administration > Module Configuration from the right navigation panel of the Quality Control module.

On the Quality Control Configuration page, enter a value in the Add Location field. Sample locations might be North, Southwest, Ceiling, Floor.

Select Save Settings in the Location section.

Continue adding more locations as needed. If necessary, adjust the order by clicking and dragging the crosshairs to the left of the locations.

To add QC Types, enter a value in the Add QC Type field. Click Save Settings in the QC Types section.

You can delete items using the trash can to the right of the item. If the trash can is not present, the location is being used within the project and it cannot be deleted.

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