Populate Trades/Disciplines Across Modules

1 minute
10 months ago

Populate Trades/Disciplines Across Modules

When you add a trade/discipline to one module, you can also add it to other modules at the same time. This saves time and improves consistency during project setup.

The option is available for the following modules:



Field Reports

Construction Phase Documents

Sheet Index

Specification Index

To populate trades/disciplines across modules

Open Module Configuration for a module where you want to add a trade/discipline.

In the Trades/Disciplines section, enter a new value at the end of the list.

Click the Add Project Wide Trades/Disciplines link at the bottom of the section:

In the Add Project Wide Trades/Disciplines dialog box, select the other modules where you want to add the trade. Click Update and Close.

Click Save Settings at the bottom of the Trades/Disciplines section. The trade is added to all the selected modules.