Assign Responsible Subcontractor to Register Item

1 minute
10 months ago

Assign Responsible Subcontractor to Register Item

Perform the following steps to assign a subcontractor to a submittal register item.

You must be a Project Administrator to assign a subcontractor to a submittal register item.

You can also import the subcontractor as part of the submittal register import. See the Create and Import a Submittal Register using the Template Quick Reference Guide for details.

To assign a subcontractor to a submittal register item

Select one of the Submittal Register logs from the Submittal Register section in the right navigation panel of the Submittals module.

Select the icon next to the submittal register item.

On the Edit Submittal Register Item page, select the Add/Remove Users link in the Responsible Contractor field.

Select the check boxes for the contractors as needed, then click Update and Close at the bottom of the Add/Remove Users popup.

Select Save at the bottom of the page.

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