Adjust Frequency of Automated Emails for Reviewer Submittal Reviews

2 minutes
9 months ago

Adjust Frequency of Automated Emails for Reviewer Submittal Reviews

The architect or design team leaders receive automated emails when reviewers return their submittals. Perform the following steps to adjust the frequency of the automated emails.

You must be a Project Administrator to change the frequency of automated emails.

To adjust the frequency of automated emails for reviewer submittal reviews

Select Administration > Module Configuration from the Submittals module.

On the Module Configuration page, select one of the following options from the Frequency of Email Notifications to Architect/Project Admin (Design) for All Reviewer and Owner Reviewer Response drop-down list:

Select Send Email for Every Response to generate an email for every reviewer response.

Select Send One Email When All Responses Have Been Received to generate a single email when all invited reviewers have responded to the submittal.

If the second option is preferred, each reviewer must provide a response to trigger the automated email. The software does not know if the reviewer does not intend to respond, so it is critical that reviewers close out their submittal even if there is no answer.

Click Save Settings at the bottom of the Submittal Configuration section.

If users are not receiving email notifications, they may be blocked by email spam filters. For more information, please see Email Spam Filter Issues.

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