Project Team Module

3 minutes
12 months ago

Project Team Module

Use this module to view, create and manage the project team.

To access the Project Team module, use the gear in the upper right corner of the interface and select Project Team from the menu.

User Panel

User Name

The name of the user. Each user appears under the role they are assigned on the project. The users’s company appears underneath their name.

If there is a pending change to the user’s assigned company that requires administrator approval, a clock icon appears next to the company name. If emails to the user have bounced back, an envelope icon with an alert symbol appears next to the user’s name.

User Role

The user’s role on the project. For Project Administrators, this is a dropdown list they can use to assign the user’s role on the project.

View icon

Click to view the user’s information, including their contact information and projects to which they are assigned.

Edit icon

Click to edit the user’s contact information.

This option is only available to Project Administrators. Non-administrative users can edit their own information from the My Profile page.

Reset Password

Click to reset the user’s password.

This option is only available to Project Administrators. Non-administrative users can reset their own password from the My Profile page.

Remove User

Click to remove the user from the project.

This option is only available to Project Administrators. Removing a user from a project simply removes their access to the project; it does not remove them from the system.

Add User to Other Projects

Click to add the user to another project.

This option is only available to Project Administrators.

Download vCard

Click to download the user’s vCard.

Module Check Boxes

A check box appears for each module in ConstructEx. Users can only see the modules that are selected. Only Project Administrators can modify the module visibility.

Apply Changes

Project Administrators select this option to save any changes they made on the Project Team page.

Print Team Directory

Click to print the contact and user role information for all project team members.

Download Team Directory

Click to download an Excel file of the contact information for all project team members.

The following links appear in the upper right corner of the Project Team page.

Select Project

Click to view the Project Team page for another project.

Edit User Role Display Names

By default, projects include traditional user role names such as subcontractor, contractor, architect, owner, engineer, etc. Click Edit User Role Display Names to customize the role names for the project.

This option is only available to Project Administrators.

Add User

Click to add a new user to the project. This option is only available to Project Administrators.

Import Users

Click to batch import users to the project team. This option is only available to Project Administrators.


Click to set up user groups that can be selected as notification recipients throughout ConstructEx. This option is only available to Project Administrators.


To access this module

Select the button in the top-right corner  > Project Team.