Construction Phase Documents Module

3 minutes
7 months ago

Construction Phase Documents Module

Use this module to view, create, issue, and revise construction phase document packages such as ASIs, CCDs, COs and PCOs.

When you first access the Construction Phase Documents module, a summary page appears. You can return to the summary page at any time by selecting Construction Phase from the Document Management dropdown list at the top of the page.

Main Panel – Summary Page

The following items appear in the main panel of the Construction Phase Documents module on the summary page. Each summary log contains up to 10 items:

Team Drafts

A table of construction phase document package drafts lists the number, title, issued date and status for each draft, as shown below.

Members of the construction team see construction team drafts; members of the design team see design team drafts.

To view all drafts for your team, select the View All Drafts link at the top of the drafts table.

When you roll over a construction phase document package, a list of action icons appears to the right of the package, as shown here:

The icons that appear depend on your user role and whether the package is in a draft or issued state.

The following actions are available for draft packages:

View opens the View Document page.

Edit opens the Edit Package page.

Delete deletes the package.

The delete option is only available to Project Administrators.

Print prints the package information.

The print option does not print any attachments.

Issued Packages

A table of all issued construction phase document packages lists the number, title, issued date, and status.

The following actions are available for issued packages:

View opens the View Document page.

Update Status opens the Update Status page to allow you to change the package status.

Revise opens the Revise Package page and automatically increments the revision value of the package number.

Print prints the package information.

The print option does not print any attachments.


The Statistics section provides a tally of the total number of draft and issued packages, both as an overall total and broken down by document type.


The Terms section provides a definition of each of the construction phase document types.


Main Panel – Log View

The following items appear in the main panel of the Construction Phase Documents module when a specific log from the navigation panel is selected:

Log Table

Displays the number, title, issued date, and status of all construction phase document packages that meet the log criteria. Select a column header to sort by that value.

Print Simple Log

Select Print Simple Log to print the contents of the currently displayed log as they appear on screen.

View Full Log

Select View Full Log to perform more advanced sorting and filtering of the log data.

Navigation Panel

The following options are available in the navigation panel:

Add Package

Select to add a new construction phase document package.


Select any of the logs listed in this section to view it in the main panel.

 Construction/Design Team Drafts

Displays all construction team or design team drafts, depending on the user.

All Packages

Single list of all packages.

Logs by Document Type

Each log displays all packages of the selected type (ASI, CCD, etc.). A log is available for each defined document type.


This option is available only to administrators.

Module Configuration

Opens the Module Configuration page, where Project Administrators can manage how the module functions, including adding document types, categories, etc.



To access this module

Select Document Management > Construction Phase.