Display and Edit the Details of a Quality Control (QC) Item

2 minutes
8 months ago

Display and Edit the Details of a Quality Control (QC) Item

Perform one of the following tasks to view and edit details of quality control items:

Display the details of a QC item

Add a comment to a QC item

Edit QC item content

Delete a QC item

To display the details of a QC item

In the Quality Control module, click the icon next to the item you want to view.

The View Quality Control Item page appears and displays the item details, including any attachments and the item’s history.


To add a comment to a QC item

Select Add Comment on the View Quality Control Item page.

Enter your comment in the Add Comment dialog box. Select any users you want to notify and click Add.

Comments cannot be edited or removed.


To edit QC item content

In the Quality Control module, click the icon next to the item you want to edit. You can also select Edit from the View Quality Control Item page.

Adjust the information as needed, including adding attachments.

Select Save to save your changes.


To delete a QC item

Only the originator of the QC item or a Project Administrator can delete a QC item.

In the Quality Control module, click the icon next to the item you want to delete. You can also select Delete from the View Quality Control Item page.

Confirm the deletion.